Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spice Up Your Next Sandwich with Chutney (of course)

A rainy and gloomy Sunday just cries out for the comfort of a hot cup of tea and afternoon snack. When faced with dreary weather, your taste buds need that extra pop of flavor, so slather a tablespoon of chutney over some toasted bread and get creative with the fillings.

Inspired by a recent creation of Sandwich Friend (ham tea sandwiches spread with The Collective's peach chutney), we created a quick bite from slices of whole-wheat sourdough, shaved turkey and sliced Gouda, topped with The Collective's new Curried Peach Chutney. We spiked this touchdown of a mini-meal with our own Southern-Style Hot and Spicy Pickled Okra (appearing soon in local markets and stores). Be sure to include a side of extra chutney for predicted compulsive dipping.